Well I know that the news is a bit old,
but it has a great point to be discuss about.
One week after the death of Steve Jobs,
there comes the death of another great titan of the technology industry, Dennis Ritchie.
To be honest, I don't really know who he is until half hour ago.
And i won't know about Steve Jobs' death if not because of the overwhelming promotion in
Facebook, radio and front cover of nearly every newspaper and magazine.
I looked into the internet after saw some photo sharing from a friend in facebook
and I found this piece of news in BBC
The creator of C programming and UNIX died without much noticing.
To put the explanation of this two elements simple,
"Unix and C's direct and spiritual descendants cannot be counted, but include Linux, Android, Mac OS, iOS, JavaScript, C++, the genius of the internet and a world full of developers"In simple, his work is like a big bang in the industry and thanks to him we have everything we are having on our computer now.
"Ritchie's influence rivals Jobs's; it's just less visible."
Ugly truth.
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